Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця

ВІЛЬНИЙ МАЙНОР Персональний брендінг та управління діловим іміджем

Personal branding and business image management

Pre-Requisite Skills (basic knowledge needed to successfully master the competencies):

Basic knowledge of marketing and management

Abstract (general characteristics, specifics, advantages)

Discipline "personal branding and business image management" will be helpful to future managers, economists, marketers, for entrepreneurs, people who want to be business owners.

Nowadays entrepreneur, who does not plan and does not support their image, can’t become effective. Knowledge of building personal branding rules and principles in professional ethics will give entrepreneurs a platform for effective interaction with others. It is the ultimate goal for increasing the financial returns and the development of partnerships. Thus, knowledge and skills in the strategic building a powerful image – is the key to financial freedom.

Learning objectives of the discipline:

  • acquire knowledge on forming a personal brand;
  • create and manage their own brand image in strategic business perspective;
  • determine the success formula by means of forming a personal brand;
  • determine which communication channels can be used to broadcast personal brand;
  • learn effectively present themselves on the market.

The main goal and main objectives of the discipline:

The goal of the discipline study is to develop the students' knowledge for personal branding and business image management in order to improve their interaction with the environment and achieve financial freedom.

For goal achieving the objectives are given:

  • mastering the basic rules of personal branding build;
  • application of knowledge to create their own image and effective management.


The discipline study provides the formation the ability to create and promote personal brand and manage business image.


5 credits, 150 hours, grading test.