Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця

Digital and inclusive education department

Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

61165, Kharkiv, Nauky Av., 9-A

KhNUE, the 1st building,

The 2nd floor, room 312: the 4th floor, room 500


Head of the department: Vladyslav Zarzhetskyi.


Activities of the department:

  1. Ensuring the functioning and development of KhNUE Personal education systems.
  2. Preparing and publication of interactive multimedia electronic educational editions.
  3. Preparing and ensuring the functioning of online education courses.
  4. Preparing experimental electronic means of education in new technical formats.
  5. Implementation of distance and mixed education into a KhNUE educational process.
  6. Support and implementation of the policy of inclusion in the digital services of the University.


Useful links: